Monday, September 3, 2012

My 9 Month Man!

Well, the little baby that grew inside of me for 9 months, has now been growing and developing outside of me for 9 moths. The leaps and bounds he has taken since birth is just as amazing to me as his conception and growth inside of my womb. Watching him learn, try new foods, crawl, stand, try to walk, chatter... it's all just astounding. Watching him laugh, smile and come into his own is a joy. We are finally moving away from the inconsolable baby phase and into the stage of self-play and discovery. It's magical. He's my little explorer and I love it! What is most exciting to a 9 month old? Toilet lids. Toilet paper rolls. Magazines he can rip apart. Calculators. Remote Controls. Blinds. Drawers. Cabinets. Notice NONE of those describe a baby toy. He is totally amused by all things REAL LIFE. Not plastic.

Coffee mugs

Computer Cords

Paper on doctor's table
Bekham is learning how to crawl up the stairs. Not like most babies. He does not put a knee down on the step, the WHOLE foot goes up. This kid already has some serious quad muscles! He just started saying "da" and "ga." No "ma" yet but I know when he says it,  he will know exactly what he's saying! He LOVE meat. Salmon, flounder, beef, and chicken are all in his repertoire! And not out of a baby food jar. He wants the real thing off of mom's plate. He recently started eating cereal. Not baby cereal. Cheerios and milk. He prefers that I feed him his cereal with an adult spoon. No baby spoons allowed. He loves peaches, kiwi, and cheese right now (all kinds). He LOVES grammie's bread. He is just a whole load of fun these days.

He travels nicely in his car seat (thank you Lord!) We go to a mom's Bible Study now and he does okay in the nursery. I have been called out every time so far, but I'm hopeful this won't be the trend forever! He does WONDERFUL in Church nursery (Waumba Land). He is just changing every single day!

His favorite thing to do is walk back and forth and push his walker around. He also prefers to chase balls around the kitchen floor. Round. And round. And round. Until they get stuck under the couch.

9 months sure is fun. I cannot believe we are 3 short months away from a year old already! He has leveled out a little bit on his growth. He currently weighs 19.9 pounds (just under 50th percentile) and measure 29.5 inches long (75th percentile). We personally think he is just the perfect size! Our new family tradition at night is to rough him up on the bed. He goes NUTS! May be hard to teach him that we DON'T jump on the bed when he's older. Hmmm....

1 comment:

  1. He's getting so big, Aly!! And what a good eater. Sam still won't eat half of that stuff. LOL But he does love playing with the same "toys" as Bekham. Nothing quite as exciting as the recycle bin, I'll tell ya. ;)
