Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Dear my November baby,

You are one year old as of 4:22am this morning. ONE. YEAR. OLD! It is just completely unbelievable how much you've grown and changed right before our eyes. I can still remember thinking you would never learn to crawl because you HATED tummy time. Not only did you crawl, but you've been walking a good month and a half before your birthday. That's nuts little boy! Your daddy and I love you more than you could ever possibly know and it seems like somehow we fall more in love with you each day. And I don't honestly know how that could be possible. Each tooth you grow makes your smile and laugh cuter. Each word you utter makes me melt. I love when you hold my hand going up or down stairs, or just when encountering rough terrain. I love when I ask for a hug and you run right into my arms. I love when you walk around doing the indian thing with your mouth and hand. I love when you lay your head on my shoulder when I rock you for naps. I love watching you explore and climb. Climb on EVERYTHING. I love when you throw your ball to me or place a toy in my hand, or share your food with me. Its the sweetest thing I've ever experienced. You bring me so much joy. You break me out of my shell and NO ONE has been able to do that. We play outside ALL the time (I'm a home body). We get messy and dirty (I'm a neat freak). We play in the sand when we go to the beach (I'm a pool person). I do a 20 minute DVD workout (I used to be at the gym for at least an hour). There are so many things you are changing about me and I love it. You are helping me let go of otherwise silly hang ups that I had for too long.

Bekham, you can't possibly remember your first year. If you do now, you won't by the time you are reading this. So let me ensure you that you know some things. You are DEARLY loved by many. MANY. So many people ask about you, visit you, enjoy you, enjoy seeing pictures of you. You love just being outside. You can be in the middle of an all out fit, crying tantrum, you name it. But the minute we step foot outside... its like you are a different kid. Its quite entertaining. You love to BANG on everything WITH everything. In fact, we often have to say, "Bekham, no bang bang!"

Of all the things I will remember about your first year (the lack of sleep being engrained in my memory)- I think I will remember most your roaring habit. It is by far and away the most unique thing you do. It's how you get people's attention and I love it. LOVE IT.

I'm so ready to see how much you accomplish in your second year of life. I hope you learn to like reading stories soon because we have lots to read together! I hope that you learn to say "mama." I'm still anxiously awaiting that moment in time! I hope you learn to like Waumba Land (or any similar setting).

We just finished celebrating your birthday tonight. Grammie and Grampie came bearing balloons and gifts to have dinner and watch YOU eat cake. Funny thing is, of all the presents you got, you only wanted the broom that I picked out for you. A little light weight broom. You didn't let go of it unless Grampie stole it! You made is laugh baby. You stole the show tonight! I love you more than words red head! Can't wait to celebrate some more this weekend!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Coming up on a Year.

As Nick and I played with Bekham in his room tonight, we were discussing the ridiculousness that is our child's sleep habits. Or lack of sleep habits. We are one week away from celebrating his birthday, and this child STILL doesn't sleep through the night! I remember thinking, okay, we are at 6 weeks, maybe we are close to the big milestone! Then came 3 months ... maybe this is it! Okay, maybe when he sits up on his own he'll figure this sleep thing out. Okay, maybe once he's crawling and walking. Okay, maybe when he's one? Okay, maybe never. Yes, we have been dealing with croup over here, but this child is waking up sometimes 4 or 5 times a night. Yeah, we have good nights here and there, but a good night is 1 or 2 times in the middle of the night. For 52 weeks my friends. For 365 days. We have not slept through the night. All of you who are reading this before having children. ENJOY. THE. SLEEP.

I actually just read my post from this time last year. I was desperately pleading for Bekham to be born. I was miserable and sick of the waiting. Dear self 1 year ago, stop blogging and go enjoy uninterrupted naps and night time sleeps. Ah well... everyone warned me! I didn't want to hear it! As frustrating as it is, there is still sometime precious about cuddling and snuggling with this baby/toddler in the middle of the night. I selfishly have moments of not wanting him to grow out of it. Then he wakes up 30 minutes later and I take it all back :)

Enough babble. Bekham is almost ONE YEAR OLD! I'm not going to sit here and say, "WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE?" or ... "IT FEELS LIKE YESTERDAY WHEN..." No friends. It doesn't feel like that to me. The past year has been incredibly trying. It has had many many highs, but it has had many MANY lows. Bekham turning one is a celebration indeed because I honestly wondered if i would make it. Would he still be breastfeeding? Praise the Lord, I was able to exclusively nurse for an entire year. Anyone who knew me during the first 3 weeks of Bekham's life knows how huge this is. Would he be napping? Praise the Lord again, Bekham does reliably take a good 1 and a half hour nap in the mornings. Afternoons are iffy, BUT, the morning is generally a guarantee! Would he be eating/keeping food down? Thankfully, yes! This child eats just like his mama and his daddy. A LOT. He loves food! Would he be walking? Yes. Talking? Yes (in his own language, but yes.) Would I still be working with my sanity in tact? YES.

God has blessed us beyond belief with this little boy. He brings so much laughter and joy into this home. Not that it was lacking, but you know what I mean. Right now he does this indian thing where he covers and uncovers his mouth while making a monotone noise. He recently was hitting his mouth so hard he knocked himself over. He's also learning how to climb and slide and within about 2 weeks he has MASTERED IT. Climbing up and down the ladder. Climbing up the slide. Sliding face first, feet first, backwards feet first. It's funny every time I watch him. He is testing every boundary these days and he KNOWS what is and isn't allowed. He likes to make a dart for what ISN'T allowed whenever I am cooking and not paying full attention. Smart kid.

On a final note- you can keep us in your thoughts. I am bringing home a puppy tomorrow. I know. We are crazy. Embrace it folks. Lilly Sharp joins this family in less than 24 hours! She's a lab hound mix and we are all in love with her. I'll keep you posted on how that goes!

Thats all for now! More next week on the big first birthday! Can't wait!