Monday, July 11, 2011

Our 20 week Ultrasound!

I have been anticipating this post for awhile now! It feels like so much has happened in the past week. Mostly just really exciting things have happened in the past week so it makes it seem like a lot. I'd say we had 3 significant milestones though!

FIRST... on Thursday evening, this little boy kicked/squirmed/moved more than ever before. I was actually home along and just naturally had my hand on my stomach while laying in bed. He kicked. I pushed down where I felt him and he responded. Not just a flutter. It felt like he was aiming for my hand with a vengeance. I loved it! I texted and called Nick immediately, but he was out shooting with my brother and my dad. By the time he got home, I thought for sure the little boy would be gun shy. WRONG. Nick only had to put his hand on my belly for less than a minute and the baby was eager to show off for daddy! It was absolutely wonderful! Even more wonderful was watching/seeing Nick react to the feeling. I don't think he really thought he was going to feel anything so he was completely caught off guard and amazed. I think I'll remember that moment forever! The movements have been spotty since then, BUT, there's a reason. Keep reading if you want to find out more!
SECOND... I have kind of kept this to myself with the exception of a select few, but I am getting baptized on July 31st! I had my video-taping session Sunday afternoon, and I was waiting for that to be over before I made the announcement! I just wanted to make sure everything went as expected up to that point but now it's really happening and I am so excited to tell everyone that I am finally, after way too long, going public with my faith! This little boy inside of me was the greatest of motivations. I want to set a good and Godly example for him and the rest of our children to follow. I want to be able to tell them when and why I got baptized and I want to encourage them to do the same when the time is right! All that aside, if you want to come and be a part of the celebration, my baptism is at 9:00am on Sunday July 31st. It is at North Point Community Church. If you need me to save you a seat, just let me know!
THIRD... the obvious. The ultrasound today. Oh it was wonderful, as always. We were probably with the ultrasound technician for a good 10-20 minutes. She spent the majority of her time focusing in on and measuring parts of his heart. I wish we could have spent more time on his profile, hands, feet, you know, the recognizable parts of a baby, however, nothing is as reassuring as seeing a healthy heartbeat. Seeing the ventricles forming and functioning properly. The tech was able to see his bladder which means he has kidneys and they are working! Praise God! Everything was normal. And I couldn't be happier. The tech was also able to snapshot and ZOOM IN on the male parts of this boy. He made his daddy proud, to say the least. I'm sorry, but I just can't expose my child on this blog, but take my word for it, we are 100% positive that we have a boy growing inside of me! Unfortunately, I have recently started having some lower back pain, specifically a portion of my back is painful to the touch. My doctor confirmed today that there is most likely pressure on my sciatic nerve and that this pain won't get much better until I deliver. Yikes. Son, you are worth the pain! The other takeaway from today was the fact that there is a 50-50 chance that my placenta is either on the front of me or on the back. Basically, if its on the front, when baby kicks/moves, it will be like there is a pillow in between him and I so his movement will feel different to me than it may other moms. Eventually he will be bigger than the placenta and that will change, but it gave me some comfort in knowing that my baby's movement will not always be obvious and noticeable every single time he moves. (If only I had known this a week and a half ago when I rushed to the doctor, right?)

So, some other significant events in the life of the Sharps- my family's neighbors, who have moved around the country and out of the county, came to visit! Actually, they came for a wedding that we were all going to on Saturday evening, but it still felt like a visit. I always enjoy when they come in town. I actually ended up purchasing a dresser/changing table for the nursery and they were willing and able to load it in their pickup truck AND carry it up the stairs for me. Could you ask for better friends? I think not! All we are missing in the nursery is a crib, but that should be coming within the next several weeks. Oh I just cannot wait. Pain will be going up in about 2 weeks! Fun times ahead! 

Okay, photo time! First, and most boring, my picture at 20 weeks 3 days, before heading in for the ultrasound!

There's his pointer finger!

And peanut's profile!

Profile with belly!

This one is hard to see as it copied, but he is face forward here! Looking right at us!

Psalm 139:14 "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful. I know that full well"


  1. Oh my goodness!! He is getting so big :) Such a sweet little profile. I can't wait to hold him :)

  2. Omg Aly! I love your ultrasound pics!! Normally, I can never make out any parts unless they are CLEARLY labeled, but these are GREAT! I can tell he is going to be such a cutie!!!
    Isn't it exciting to see the nursery come together??

    I hope your back pain eases up.. I hate that. :(

    But you look great as usual!
