Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Remember December

I should be sleeping right now instead of blogging. My sweet little peanut has been fighting me since 7am to take a decent nap. He seems to believe 5-10 minutes is sufficient and then he would like to eat again... whether his last feeding was half an hour ago, or 5 minutes ago. Can't say I'm thrilled with this pattern of behavior. He refuses to sleep longer than 10 minutes in his crib.. THIS IS A PROBLEM.

Big things have been happening since I last posted! It's crazy that its been 3 weeks since then. Time is already flying (even though some days I swear its crawling!) We are finally, successfully, breastfeeding normally/naturally. I am so thankful for this answer to prayer. I could not have maintained the other regimen I was on. As soon as I put a call into the lactation department at North Fulton, Bekham shaped up! And I am so just so proud of him! No more nipple shields. No more pumping. I feel like a free woman. Well, until today, when I tried every possible trick to get this kid to sleep and he still refused. Finally got him at 3:15pm. We started the day at 7:00am. Little stinker. Had me in tears most of the day. Good thing he's cute. Somehow, he managed to smile every time I looked at him with tears running down my face. Not sure if this is a God-thing, or if he just thinks I look funny when I cry. I suppose it doesn't really matter. I have the cutest kid in the world.

December was eventful for us. We saw Santa. Correction. I saw Santa. Bekham slept through the entire event. We made gingerbread houses. We went to Jackson's Christmas play. We went to my office dinner party. We went to our small group Christmas party. Bekham was a champ for every event. Mostly sleeping in the car seat, but he behaved nonetheless! Trips to Publix, Walmart, and stores of the like have not had such high success rates, but we will get there. (I must tell myself this or I'll go crazy.) Thankfully Mom has still been helping out and giving me opportunities to get to the store, get some shut eye, cook dinner, etc. I'm working my way into doing everything alone. She's weaning me.

Well, my baby is a month old already. Sounds older than it really is. Only 4 weeks ago I was pushing this sweet, smiling, cooing bundle out of my body. 4 weeks is not that long ago in my mind. Now he's already outgrown his adorable newborn outfits, he enjoys baths, he smiles and talks to me while changing him, and he engages with his toys. Its amazing to watch how much he changes day to day. He has already gained 2 pounds (Possibly more- we go to the doctor tomorrow). Clearly he's a boy and enjoys food, just like his daddy (and mommy...)

Let's see, other events of the month

1. Bekham developed colic. We purchased Gripe Water. Thank God for Gripe Water. The best part about his colic episodes are when he reaches the end and falls asleep INSTANTLY cheek to cheek with me. Gosh I love it.
2. Bekham caught pink eye. We purchased drops for $125 thanks to not having insurance quite yet.
3. Bekham's first Christmas. He didn't sleep through this event! Bek made out VERY well this year for having no idea what was going on!!
4. Bekham met his Aunt Kelly and Uncle Tim for the first time. He loved them both!
5. Bekham had Face Time with family in PA. He was awake for it! Spit up for them live!
6. Bekham slept in his crib for the first time. Short and sweet, but he still did it.

Surely I've left out 100 other things that have happened. December is a crazy month! I will ATTEMPT to be more diligent about blogging more often to avoid my forgetfulness! 

Highlights of December in photos:

 Wouldn't have my sanity without Grammie!

 Nothing beats post-bath Bekham!

 Bek's first gingerbread house, in all blues :)

 Santa with the little elf!

 He was a sleepy boy this day!

 I feel as if I can never quite capture his angelic sleep face.

 I mean just look at this boy! I could eat him up!

 So he's made more attractive faces than this, but these were his Christmas Eve jammies!

Again, post-bath pictures. YUM!


  1. So glad to hear that breastfeeding is going well for you! Sam got the same snowman pjs for Christmas and they are so stinking cute! Love them! I hope you start getting some good sleep soon!!

  2. Hey Aly,
    I just saw your blog for the first time on facebook and decided to stop by. Its great and your little boy is precious! I just wanted to let you know that Luke had Collic as well and it will get better! I know it is so awful when you are going through it but just know, they will grow out of it. ha. One tip of advice that worked everytime for us was a hair dryer! I know it may sound crazy, but I lived with a hair dryer in my hand for the first four months. We had one in every room (not kidding) and used it as our miracle! We used it when he was crying, fussing or wouldnt go to sleep. We also used it to help him eat. Ha. I asked my doctor about it and he said that hair dryers and vaccum cleaners are the two sounds that are closest to the sounds their hear in the womb. Point is, if you havent tried it, do! It just might save your life! Another piece of advice, buy on that has a cool switch. I almost burnt down our house one night when I feel asleep with it in my hand and our comforter was about 200 degrees when I woke up. Anyways, feel free to email or call me anytime you need. I know im not much further along that you but we have had a very difficult baby (collic, reflux, many trips to the Childrens hospital) so I have probably gone through whatever it is that is bothering you and would be glad to help in anyway I can. Each month gets better and better and when you hit 3-4 months and they finally have a routine and are sleeping through the night, you will forget about all the days your spent crying and praying all day. ha. Good luck and Congrats sweet girl!
