Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Day in the Life

I looked at the date on my last post and realized its been an entire MONTH since I've blogged about little man! That's what happens when you essentially have 2 full time jobs. If I'm not feeding Bekham, changing him, playing with him, or putting him to sleep, I am chained to this computer busting out as much work as possible in the hours (Or less) that he is asleep. Actually, I do my longest stretch of work with Bekham in my arms. He will sleep 3 hours in the afternoon, but only if I am holding him, so I can log some great work in during that nap! I usually have to work one handed, so I'm slower, but, hey, it gets the work done! Totally not what I had in mind, but, whatever it takes, right?

A day in my life:

4:30am- Feed the man. Wash my face brush my teeth. Put on work out gear. Head downstairs
4:45am- Start Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 workout DVD which KICKS MY BUTT. I can hardly do the modifications of her exercises sometimes!!!
5:15am- Eat a bowl of cereal and sit down to work until I hear those little whimpers on the baby monitor
7:00am- Boy is up and our day has started. Sing our good morning song (FAVORITE moment of the day). Change him (as he hasn't had a clean diaper for the past 12 hours- don't judge). Give him his medicine and sing absurd songs so he doesn't scream his head off. Feed him. (If we are on the left side, continue working with one hand while he eats.)
7:30am- Burp him for a good 20 minutes otherwise he projectiles his spit up due to reflux.
8:00am- Finally time to play! Usually under his mobile on his back. He HATES tummy time so we flat out DON'T do it!
8:45am- Swaddle the man and bounce on exercise ball until he falls asleep
9:00am- Put him in his crib and go back downstairs to work
9:30am- Awake as he only takes cat naps outside of my arms. Repeat 7:00am with the exception of medicine. Working again around 11am.
11:30am- The usual wake up, change, feed routine. Make my lunch while talking to him from a distance so he doesn't scream his head off. Put lunch in refrigerator to eat during next nap time.
1:00pm- This is the long nap. Walk computer and mouse up to my bed. Swaddle little man, sit indian style in front of computer and use abs to rock back and forth with Bekham while working with one hand
4:00pm- He's finally awake from the marathon nap. Change, feed, play. He usually skips this nap, which leads us to..
6:30pm- Try and get dinner ready SOMEHOW.
7:30pm- Bathtime
7:45pm- Last feeding
8:00pm- In crib
8:15pm- Awake. Go rock him back to sleep
8:30pm- Awake. Go rock him back to sleep
9:00pm- Work until everything is done
11:00pm- Go to bed
1:00am- Feed.
4:30am- Start from the top.

And because of this rigorous schedule, I hardly have new photos to post. HOWEVER, we are getting 3 months pictures taken professionally and I promise to share those! Bekham is a trooper. I finally know his cues and cries. I know when he's hungry, tired, in pain etc. Because of this, he truly prefers me the majority of the time when he gets fussy. Some may be bothered by that, but I love it. I love that he trusts me and knows I know him well enough to take the best care of him. He's just the greatest. He has his own personality and he is ADAMANT about getting what he wants. You should hear the lungs on this baby when he is put off for even 5 minutes! He's got a pout lip a mile long and a cry that will break your heart. Bathtime is a MUST in our nighttime routine. It totally mellows him out and soothes him. It cracks me up though to watch him in there. He zones out and hardly moves once you put him in. Just stares, sometimes smiles, and holds his fists tight to his chest. Pretty funny. HE LOVES lotion massages after bath and I also LOVE this about him. He likes me to massage his hands and feet. If he's crying, it calms him right down. I'd say Bekham isn't quite as laid back as some babies. In fact, he's somewhat high maintenance, especially in the early evenings, but when this kid is happy he smiles at EVERYTHING and it is to die for. I can't quite capture it on film yet, but when I do. You will melt!

Since my last post, we went to the doctor for his 2 month well check and shots. OH HOW I HATED THE SHOTS. And we are already cuing up for the 3 months shots. NO. The look on his face and the cry that follows is awful. I just wish he could understand that its to protect him and that I'm not the one doing it to him... technically. I blame the nurse! Bekham and I have also started a mom's bible study. There are 4 of us, each with a boy 5 months or younger. In fact, 3 of the boys are exactly one week apart all the way. It's fun to be in the same stage as these women and to know that we can have a Bible Study interrupted by cries, breastfeeding, and excessive bouncing to calm little ones. It was a joy. I truly look forward to our next time together .. this week!

All in all. My schedule is hectic. Late nights. Early mornings. Hardly any sleep in between. But I wouldn't trade it for my old life. Being tired and taking care of Bek is preferable to getting good sleep, an hour at the gym, and 8 hours in an office. Sometimes I may cry about it, but I still wouldn't trade it. I'm sure I'll have gray hair by age 28 and permanent bags under my eyes- but this is the greatest joy I've ever known. I fall alseep EVERY night thanking God OVER and OVER and OVER again for this life.

Hopefully another post when next weekend rolls around :) For now, Happy Valentines Day Week ahead :) Bekham and Daddy and I will be celebrating at Double Zero with Grammie and Grampie. Probably not the most romantic one we'll have, but definitely one of the most special!

1 comment:

  1. Whew! That's a schedule! Unfortunately, I can't say that the witching hour gets any better (yet). But eventually, you will be able to put him to bed earlier! Which ends the witching hour that much sooner! So! There's hope. :)

    I'm so glad you're able to work from home!!! :)
