Sunday, May 20, 2012

Confidence and Joy!

I am thrilled to be writing this entry so soon after the previous one. Let me preface by saying, Bekham still doesn't sleep well. He still cries. A lot. He now has separation anxiety JUST TO SPICE THINGS UP!!!

BUT. And it's a good but. It's a wonderful but!! 

Where there was depression there is now JOY.
Where there was hopelessness there is now CONFIDENCE.
Where there was loneliness there is now FRIENDSHIP.
Where there was fatigue, oh who am I kidding. That ones not going anywhere :)

So much has happened since the last post it feels like it MUST have been a month! Some good news, GREAT news rather:

1. Allergy panel came back clear! Backstory: worse than shots!! They blew a vein in one arm and had to start over in the next arm. He was pitiful. So was I.

2. Ultrasound on belly came back clear! Backstory- was told to come in at 8am and Bekham was to have had nothing to eat or drink for previous 4 hours. HAH. Allow me to laugh again. HAH. My child eats every 2-3 hours during the day. At night he prefers no nurse non stop! I fed him at 5:15 (shhh!!!) we got there after waking him up at 7. There's a reason they say don't wake a sleeping baby! We arrive with a very unhappy child who is starving and exhausted.. Then he is asked to lay still on a table for a 30 minute ultrasound. HAH (I thought). But I was wrong this time. I sang in his ear the while 30 minutes AND he sucked his paci! WIN!

3. Bekham now takes paci at naps and at night!! It involved some force but wow was it worth it!!

4. We've cut a tooth!

5. We are sitting up!

6. We can go 4-5 hours on first night stretch alone in crib. Ok. This has happened twice, but still!!

7. We have successfully kept down applesauce.

8. My personal Favorite About 15 moms (and 1 non-mom, just great friend!) reached out to me after my last post. Talk about the Church in action! I've witnessed Jesus physically use others as His hands and feet to comfort me, encourage me, support me, help me, offer advice, offer sympathy. Simply give a hug. It's been rejuvenating. I feel like a new woman. NOT because Bekham is any easier. But because Jesus is invading my life in a way I've never known until now and it is glorious. I don't know sho I've become but all of a sudden, bouncing Bekham at ungodly hours isn't hard. A 20 minute nap doesn't frustrate me nearly as often. I have my weak moments, don't get me wrong!! But God is at work in this mom! And I can taste it. I can see and feel it!

 I now face the battle of exercise. I love it. My body craves it. I need it! Bekham on the other hand would rather I sit around and eat Bon-Bons! He hates the stroller and he hates being left in the nursery. The nursery workers give up on him after 15 minutes. SERIOUSLY??? Try harder! Only kidding! Some days this gets to me, but most days I can stick a work out DVD in and be okay with a lazy work out. I know I always have weekends. And I know it won't always be like this. Again. Who am I? I wouldn't have had this outlook a couple weeks ago.

So- Bekham is a blast now. You'll soon see why I can finally have such a dramatic change in blog mood in only 2 short weeks.

He laughs at almost everything I do to make an idiot out of myself. Exhibit A

He has finally figured out how to actually jump/bounce in his jumperoo. Exhibit B

I could post like 12 more videos to make you fall in love with him. Chances are 2 was probably all you really felt like watching, IF you even watched both of them :)

I do want to take a moment to thank EACH of you who message me, emailed me, texted me, checked in on me, hugged me, prayed for me. Your prayers have done wonders. Again- my baby hasn't changed. I HAVE. But that is what needed to happen as I reflect on the past 6 months. My selfishness had to be eliminated. My quest for perfection had to be destroyed. There is no perfect parent and that fact was reinforced at Church this morning. Less of me = More of Jesus.

Please don't stop praying for us! I appreciate each one of you!


  1. Love the videos, he is so precious! His laugh sounds just like Eli's :)Glad things are going a bit better for you. I'll keep praying!

  2. I love reading how encouraged you are and how God is at work in you. He IS enough! And He is so kind to give us what we need to honor Him in our lives. Your Beks is ADORABLE, and I am continuing to pray. YOU are the world's best momma to your little man!
