Saturday, March 31, 2012

4 Months ... Just Keep Swimming ....

I can't believe that only 4 months ago we welcomed this sweet little boy into our lives. Thank God he was quite smaller than he is know. Apparently some woman just had a baby THIS size at birth. NO THANKS.

Oh Peach! (This is what Mom calls you) It feels like he's been here forever. It also feels like we haven't slept in forever. But that's neither here nor there. So much is happening with this man and so fast. My mom brought my baby book over this week and it has almost every milestone possible. First bottle. First time recognizing mom, dad. First time reaching for toy. First time grabbing toy. First EVERYTHING. I have written down next to NONE of these for Bekham. I blame work :) (I blame work for everything!) He is doing so well developmentally and I wish he could look back one day and see this to compare to his own kids. Its fun. Angel of a child ME slept through the night at 2 months. Bekham has yet to truly reach that milestone. He CAN go about 9 hours without requiring food, but he DOES require pacifier rescue/intervention if he wakes up. However, he contracted some kind of stomach bug/roseola/virus that has caused 2 or 3 nights in a row of almost ZERO hours of sleep for mommy and daddy. He screamed so hart the past couple nights/days, his voice is hoarse. Finally today he broke out in a rash which supposedly signals that the bug is gone. The kid has pooped probably 12 times the past 48 hours. I may be UNDER estimating. No lie. Every color in the book. Okay, not blue, red, or purple, but you get the idea! So, 9 hours with a simple pacifier intervention sounds like bliss now. The boy has required to be in someone's arms for probably 65 of the past 72 hours. Today was the first day he was truly content to play on the floor. It was crazy. I was on the verge of insanity. I have so much respect for any mom who has dealt with a sick child now. WOW. I mean, the past few times he's been sick, he's slept BETTER. Not the case this time.

We went to the pediatrician on Friday and little (long) man was 26.5 inches (95th percentile), He only weighed 14.95 lbs (50th percentile). So he's long and lean. He loves to sit up with a little assistance and LOVES to stand and play on his activity tables. The kid will stand for longer than I think he should, but he LOVES IT. If he's playing on the table, you don't really have to support him unless he starts surging side to side. His chunk legs are incredible strong!

Ironically, as much as he loves standing to play tables, he goes completely still in his bouncy/jumper. He'll smile and play with the toys, but he has no desire to bounce up and down or even apply pressure to the ground below him.

He also enjoys playing in his bumbo chair for short periods of time. What am I saying. EVERYTHING is for a short period of time for this kid. We have stations at our house and we move at a rapid pace through all of them! Here are some face of big boy in the bumbo. They all make me laugh.

Bekham can officially roll both ways. He enjoys it SOMETIMES. Other times it makes him completely irate.

We also joke that he likes to fist bump. He is now starting to open up his fists, but for awhile, this is all we got: Hit the rock mom.

We took some photos in this hideous Tennessee orange, but I had to do it for his daddy. Note, this shirt was a hand me down. This Auburn fan will spend NO money on that color orange. Not to mention I'm not a fan of dressing babies in college gear, so, you probably won't see much of that either. Sorry Tiger fans. I'm a loyal fan, but... I'll just leave it at that.

We got 2 shots at this appointment. This would be BEFORE that heart wrenching moment. he thinks he's a pretty big deal sometimes. This was one of those times.

All in all, being a mom is great. Being HIS mom is incredible. I love him despite that lack of sleep. Despite the terrible nap patterns. Despite all of the things that are seemingly inconvenient. He's 4 months old. He doesn't need to "fit into" a convenient pattern for Mom and Dad. He'll get there. Right now we are going to fit into his needs and build a healthy, trusting relationship with him. This sweet, smiling child, is hard. He's not laid back. He's not happy to play alone. He can't fall asleep just anywhere/anyhow. He's hard work. Worth. Every. Second. Every bounce on the ball. Every backache, bicep fatigue. Every tear (mine, not his).

I am, once again, so thankful for friends that support me through a hard, hard time in this boy's life. People who I never really talk to have reached out to me through facebook and they will never know the positive impact they've had on me. WHAT A BLESSING. Facebook can be a time waster/black hole when it comes to free time. But lately its been a place for me to go and receive encouragement. So again, you know who you are, and thank you.

One of the best things in my routine right now is taking runs (with the jogging stroller!). Preferably with a friend and her little boy, but we've had a couple runs on our own. They are boring. Bekham falls asleep and I have no one to talk to. But running with another mom is such a high. Those days just feel better all the way around. I just wish we lived closer to each other so it could be a daily routine rather than once or twice a week.

Well, I guess I'll wrap this up. Bekham, sorry I didn't record your "firsts." I'll try to get the big ones like crawling, walking, first words, etc. Just know that you are RIGHT on track for developmental milestones. The pediatrician actually said you were AHEAD of the curve. I'm sure by the time you have your own children, the standard will be set higher. They will probably be expected to read by 4 months. You can read your books. You just don't know what they say :) Its okay. Thats what Mommy is here for! Happy 4 months Peachy!

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