Monday, April 4, 2011

Officially Known As Fenwick the Fetus!

One may wonder, why such a strange name for the title of this blog post? Believe me, this was no acclaimed nickname I dreamed up as a child and thought to myself, I will name my child Fenwick one day! It just so happened, that when I asked my 2 year old nephew, Jackson, what I should name my baby, he nonchalantly replied, FENWICK. And then kept playing stickers while at the dinner table. At first, I thought he said Frederick, but apparently, there is a story he reads or a show he watches with a character named Fenwick. Well, it kind of stuck. Fenwick the fetus. And quite honestly, I prefer to refer to our baby as Fenwick over "it." I hate the thought of knowing that my baby is either a boy or a girl at this point, but I don't know what "it" is. Let me assure you, having to call your own child "it" is disheartening. So, Fenwick works. At least until the 20 week mark or so! Just goes to show you how nicknames really come about. They may or may not have to do with your actual name, but rather the crazy people (usually family) in your life at that time.
I was actually discussing this fact with my cousins as we sat on the beach trying to think of baby names that have good nicknames. Then, while walking to the house, we listed off all of our family nicknames and 99% of them have no relation to our real names whatsoever!
On another note, I think I have started to see a little growth in the belly. Nothing major, and nothing that a passerby would point out and say- "HOW FAR ALONG ARE YOU?" But, for me, looking down is a completely different view than it was 2 weeks ago! People closest to me would probably argue, but I have something to say. When its your own body, you notice. Unfortunately, this is a blurry line to draw as I happened to eat QUITE well this weekend at my brother's wedding! Perhaps it truly was a food baby rather than a baby.
All kidding aside, I have since come to a peace about this baby. Maybe its the verses I have surrounded myself with at my office. Or maybe it is an answer to my prayers that God just give me peace that He is truly in control of making this baby and growing this baby, and keeping this baby healthy. Yes, there are foods I can eat, and things I can do to help, but there is absolutely NOTHING that I can do to change the fate of this baby's life. God has numbered Fenwick's days. Either way, it is so nice to feel emotionally normal again. Especially since the morning sickness has started up. And let me also say- why the heck is it called Morning Sickness? It should be DAILY sickness. It lasts all day! The only time it stops is if I am running on a treadmill, or in the process of eating. And let me tell you something- I care to do NEITHER of those 24 hours a day. Well, thats not true. I'd love to eat 24 hours a day, but that would be ridiculous.
So, here I am, a week away from my first appointment and I am SO READY. I want to get in there and see this baby! Even if Fenwick looks like a little black blur on a machine print out. I WANT THAT PICTURE! And I want to see that heartbeat. And I want to know that everything is progressing. And I want to know when to expect this baby! All I know is Fenwick will arrive in November. The rest is a mystery!
*I must note, that Fenwick was given a blanket that will be more memorable than any other gift that could be given. My grandmother once bought all of her grandchildren the same type of blanket. All of us girls (Age 22 and older) still sleep with our blankets! Since my grandmother is no longer living, my Aunt gave us a blanket that has the same feel (no silk border, however, I may consider having my mom sew one on!) for Fenwick. I cannot wait to see if our baby loves the blanket as much as I still love my own!*

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