Monday, September 19, 2011

30 Weeks and Counting Down!

We made it to 30 weeks! This pregnancy milestone seemed like it was years away when I first found out I was pregnant and now here we are! Almost 20 pounds heavier, but otherwise doing just fine! Baby is moving and jerking in ways that can often be quite uncomfortable. However, I do take comfort (despite the irony) in knowing his movements mean all is well and he is healthy!

We had our 30 week appointment on Thursday and everything went fine! I measured perfectly. His heart rate was perfect. No complaints! The midwife explained the way that the hospital shifts work with my practice. I may or may have a familiar face in the labor and delivery room, but that's okay. The only familiar face I need is Nick's anyways! The midwife did suggest that I stop jogging. I listened, as many will be shocked to find out. I have only been doing the elliptical which is actually quite nice. I am reading books at quite a rapid pace now!

In other news, we had our hospital tour on Saturday afternoon and honestly, it was exhilarating. I loved every minute of it! I pictured myself from the very first step we will take inside the hospital in a couple of months to the moment we walk out with little Bekham and it was all so real. I feel ready! The tour guide showed us how the beds can break apart to allow you to squat or do whatever position you feel is necessary during contractions. They have a huge shower/tub where you can stand if you need the warm water running on you during labor. The room is HUGE for walking around and pacing. We have a TV with a DVD/CD player if we want to bring music or even DVD's to watch to take my mind off the pain. I realize this will be no walk in the park. I have no intention of popping in a season of friends and having a baby in my arms by the time the credits roll. However, I do think it will be a good distraction rather than to be sitting/standing/squatting/ in total silence while everyone is staring at me! After delivery, we move up to a family room that is significantly smaller. The tour guide explained how there will be 2 times a day where they take the baby to the nursery. Once in the morning for a check up with the pediatrician on staff, and once again in the evening to weigh him. Other than that, we can have him with us as much as we want. She also explained how they are huge proponents of skin to skin time right after the baby is born. I guess when a baby is placed on mom's skin, everything regulates. Heart rate, blood pressure, breathing. They generally stop crying. WHY WOULDN'T A MOM DO THIS!? Anyways- it was just reassuring to know that there was a staff of employees who want whats best for the baby, not just want the baby out- whatever it takes. It seemed like they won't push an epidural on me until I'm ready. They encourage patients to walk the halls and let labor progress naturally. Well, I'm sure you've had enough mental pictures from this paragraph!

I did want to share this one photo my mom took of me Friday. I had been craving this frozen yogurt called KEMPS for a good month or two. She finally found the brand at Kroger and snapped a photo of my first scoop! It was everything I had imagined... and more! Yes, my stomach is quite large!

I wear the same thing every night. Those gray shorts, and either a white or gray maternity tank. Not a feast for any husband's eyes- but a girl's gotta be comfortable when she's got a stomach the size of a cantaloupe!

The rest of the weekend was chaos. I went to one of my friend's baby shower as soon as we got back from the hospital tour. She made out with some great stuff! Really made me excited about my shower in October! After that, I raced home and then we went out to eat with Nick's aunt at California Pizza Kitchen. I ate my whole pizza. Solo. Thats right. Sunday morning started entirely too early as we had host team at Church. After Church, we met some friends for brunch which was DELICIOUS! Then after some grocery shopping and fabric shopping, it was finally time to relax and do nothing.

Here is the photo update. Technically 30 weeks 3 days:

I cannot imagine waiting 10 more weeks for this little peanut. I am so ready to meet him TODAY. Bekham, as soon as all systems are a "go"- you feel free to come on out! We can't wait to see your face and every other single inch of you!!


  1. I love these latest pics! You are a beautiful mommy-to-be! The yogurt one is my very favorite so far! I don't know why...maybe because I have always wondered what you would look like carrying your own child! So many fun memories already and he isn't even born!

  2. 10 more weeks! You can do it! Home-stretch! (haha get it? Stretch? Ok maybe that's not as hilarious as I thought.) ;)
