Monday, September 26, 2011

Celebrating 31 weeks of Bekham and 2 years of Marriage!

Well what a weekend we had! I love nothing more than quality time spent with my husband. This past weekend truly made me realize how little of it we have! 3 whole days together was bliss! Date nights just don't add up to the quality and length of time spent together on vacation! We didn't do any wild partying or sight seeing- but we did everything together, and that's really all that matters to me! It wasn't so fun being pregnant at the beach. I felt like a whale in my bikini and was embarrassed to be seen at the resort in that get-up. I also didn't feel too attractive in my clothing for the evenings. The belly is getting a little large! However, it was fun to be asked by so many when we were expecting and hear congratulations from them as well! Here is the Boardwalk Inn, where we stayed! We had a HUGE king-sized bed with white pillows and white sheets. I requested extra pillows and built my pregnant self QUITE the fort :) It was bliss!!

This was the entrance to the Inn

These doors led to the 4 pools and boardwalk to the beach!

We got to Isle of Palms extremely late Thursday night/early Friday morning. Not much sleep came to us that night and we were back at it around 7am. I was working and Nick had to get ready to go out to see some customers. Oh, real quick, here was a view from our balcony!

We went to a cute little shop for breakfast where we both got bagel sandwiches. The strip pictured below had shops up and down both sides. The spa, the fitness center, a couple restaurants, some shops etc. Our favorite breakfast spot was here: Hudson's Market.

After Nick left, I spent the majority of the day working. We did grab a quick lunch at a fun spot called Dunes Deli, and then back to work for me! We got a little pool time in on Friday just before a rain shower struck! Then we headed in to shower up for dinner! We ate at a restaurant called the Lettered Olive, right next to our breakfast joint! It was delicious!

We decided to go on a frozen yogurt hunt. I'm sure Bekham will love soft serve yogurt as much as we do! We found a true gem. TCBY yogurt bar. I've always said TCBY has the best yogurt, if only you could "top it" yourself. Well, someone heard my wish in Mt. Pleasant, SC!

After ice cream, we retired early for the night. Saturday morning, I slept in until 8:00am. Anyone who knows me knows, this is HUGE. It was so nice to truly rest that long- uninterrupted! With nowhere to be! No stress on my mind! Once we rallied, we went down to the hotel restaurant to eat a sit down breakfast.

We both ate huge omelets and then went for about a 2.5-3 mile walk around the resort. Here are some shots we took along the way!

Entrance to the strip of shops/restaurants

The large fountain up in front

This was me in front of the whole complex before I was a sweaty mess for the rest of the day!

We got back and headed straight to the beach/pool until lunch time! This was the lovely walk to the beach on the boardwalk

A view from the pool

My man on the beach

This was the view looking back from the beach onto our resort

Too many pictures?! Sorry! We ended up walking about another 3-4 miles getting to and from our lunch spot. It was called the SandBar and it was located at the golf course clubhouse. It was a nice walk. The paths are covered with huge trees and there are villas and condos and houses to look at all along the way! We loved it. Daydreamed about what it would be like to bring Bekham back, or one day own a second home (HAH). Doesn't hurt to dream, right!?

In baby news, Bekham is doing very well! I've never known him to be so active! It's almost constantly that I feel him moving or jerking. He pushes out pretty strong against my belly and that's always pretty crazy! Nick and I constantly try to guess what body part we might be feeling, but we never can quite tell! He's an active little peanut and we love it!
Here's the 31 week belly shot. He certainly is growing. I must say, I'm so ready for him to get here. Bending over to shave or put on shoes is quite the task and I could really handle a smaller belly pretty soon! Or at least a less firm one that allowed more movement :)

We have a doctors appointment coming up this Thursday which will mark 32 weeks! Feels like 40 weeks is forever away, but, we can do it! I love this little boy! We also have another 3D appointment on Wednesday evening. Also pretty stoked about that as well. Another sneak peek at this guy? Yes please!! This time we are getting a 30 minute session, so hopefully he'll move around enough to really get some good profile or face shots! 

I feel rushed to finish this post. My day was absolutely INSANE today at work. I didn't get home until about 6:15 - rushed to put dinner on the table- and now I am rushing to wrap this up so that I can get a couple more things done!

My verse for you this week baby boy: 

Isaiah 40:31
But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.

Your daddy and I love you so much already and pray for you daily! We can't wait to meet you and kiss and love all over you!

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