Monday, May 2, 2011

The Countdown to Second Trimester Begins!

Well, 10 weeks 3 days today. That means I am a mere 1 week 5 days away from week 12 which will mark the end of my first trimester. Why the excitement, you may wonder? 2 main things come to mind:
 1. The risk of miscarriage drops significantly!
 2. I should be saying goodbye to the heavy fatigue/tiredness/loss of appetite as I   bid farewell to the first 12 weeks of pregnancy!
I cannot express how  much I long to have my energy back to normal. Just throwing a football last night in the driveway with Nick took it out of me after about 5 minutes. I always want to nap. I always want to lay down/sit down/rest. I know there is a lot going on in my body, but I hate how lazy and worthless I feel! I just trust that all this fatigue means my body is working hard to make a healthy and perfect little baby!
 Just to keep track for the fun of it. Everyone has their own predictions on the sex of this baby already. Nick thinks we will have a boy. Kelsie thinks we will have a girl. My Mom hasn't said either way yet, but I think she thinks girl. Jackson, my 2 year old nephew, refers to Fenwick as SHE. A couple of our friends from small group (Justin and Jennifer) are predicting boy. A 50-50 split really. I did this funky Chinese calendar predictor. It said boy. I took an online quiz. It said boy! Only God knows the gender of this little one! Either way, I am scavenging baby names like its my full time job! I should really wait until we know for sure what we are having and it would REALLY narrow down the search!
My belly sure is sticking out. Not like a cute pregnant person. More like a skinny person that eats too much and it only shows as a fat roll on the stomach. Fenwick, I love you, but you are not good for the figure ;) But we knew that would be the case, didn't we?
I must say, God has truly answered my prayers, and the prayers of those who have joined with me in the battle against all the fears of the first trimester. He has given me peace. My mind does not fret every day about possibly losing this baby. He has given me joy despite my changing body. I welcome it. I'm not grossed out by it. I'm not trying to diet or lose weight somewhere else to compensate. I am just going with it! And for those that REALLY and TRULY know me- I don't deal well with weight gain! He has given me such great support from friends, family, and my husband. Nick was so stressed out/freaked out the first day, but I think he's just as excited as me at this point! It's so great to know that I have so many people praying over me and this baby. And those same sweet people will be the first to hold, love, talk to, and cuddle our new baby in November! I don't think I can thank everyone enough and again, we are only on week 10! God is working through all of them, and of course, working in me as well!
Okay, not much more to report at this point.... just anxiously awaiting that next ultrasound on May 16th!!

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