Saturday, July 14, 2012

31 Ways to Pray for your Children: Kindness

Well today was spent shopping for all things vacation! We leave next weekend for a week in Holden Beach, NC. Bekham even got to pick a treat out of the dollar bins! He chose a metal pail. One day that will be useful honey. Tonight we had our small group over for a pool party at my parents' house (thanks mom and dad!) It was so great to see everyone! We love our group and Bekham loves that he has two friends that are younger than him. He enjoyed petting one friend on the forehead.

Todays prayer of the day: Kindness Ephesians 4:32 says " Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you"

Kindness actually happens to be something I have studied recently. Specifically in women, but obviously kindness is not only for women. Sometimes its easy to confuse "nice" with "kind." Kindness extends to not just those who are kind to us or can help us, but to EVERYONE. Kindness does not say embarrassing things, hurtful things, or discouraging things. Kindness encourages and builds one another up. Kindness does not break promises, it doesn't cancel plans because a better opportunity presents itself. It doesn't criticize. Kindness makes promises sparingly and keeps them faithfully, no matter the cost. Kindness doesn't let an opportunity pass to say a kind and encouraging word to or about somebody. Kindness is interested in others- their pursuits, their work, their homes, their families. Kindness does not burden others with our complaints. Kindness discusses, it doesn't argue. Kindness does not use wit and humor at someone else's expense.

 God, there are so many aspects of kindness that I need to work on. I pray that you would help me tackle them so that I can truly display kindness to Bekham. I pray that he would embody all of the examples of kindness above and more. I pray that his wit and humor would always be used in a kind context. I pray that he would seek to be kind to others, SPECIFICALLY others who can offer nothing in return. I pray he'd be genuinely interested in ote people more than himself. I pray that he will be a god listener despite his gender stereotype. God help me raise a kind boy.

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