Sunday, July 15, 2012

31 Ways to Pray for your Children: Generosity

Oh today was a good day. A great day in fact. Bekham took a 2 hours nap this morning and was an angel child the rest of the day. He took 2 short naps this afternoon which was totally acceptable after he rock starred the marathon nap! We were able to go to the grocery store and he was happy to and from in the car. We went to frozen yogurt. Same behavior in the car. We even skyped with a friend and he made it 95% of the way through the call before daddy had to distract him. Such a good boy. Here's hoping its a good sleep week for this fellow!

Today's prayer of the day is for Generosity. Ephesians 4:32 says "Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life."

God I pray that Bekham would be rich in good deeds and be generous... Help us teach him to be generous while he's young, even if it's as simple as helping him understand that "we share our toys." Show us ways to help him be generous in the community whether it be donating his toys, clothes, etc. to others in need. I pray that you would teach him to be generous and willing to share his time, money, resources, etc. as he gets older. Let him see the needs of others and reach out without hesitation. If you chose to bless him with wealth, let him be a good steward of that money. Let him give to others first and foremost. If you chose not to bless him with wealth, let him still be generous with the amount that he's entrusted. Let him be generous in love. Let him be generous with his possessions. Never let his possessions own him. Use him Lord to minister to others.

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